Thursday, October 10, 2013

October GIFT Follow Up - Solidarity for all God's People

October GIFT Follow Up Email

Thank you for attending our October GIFT Gatherings! We hope that you enjoyed learning about the Catholic Social Teaching principal of Solidarity. If you were not able to attend the GIFT sessions this month, please click the link here to download the PowerPoint presentation from the event.

At this month’s gatherings, the Catechists led the K-4th grade children through chapter 2 in their books. Please work through the remaining chapters in Unit 1 with them before the 1st week of November, chapter 1 & 3. The website for the text is which is where you can download the home lessons for chapters 1 & 3.

The 5-8th graders explored the expectations that friends, family and God have for them and that we can turn to prayer to cope with life’s pressures when we are overwhelmed. They learned that sometimes we need to reevaluate our priorities and place more value on the things that are truly important to us. Secondly - we also learned that God created us differently than the other things he created because humans have a SOUL (which helps us reflect God to the world) and FREE WILL (which gives us the ability to make our own choices – with limitations). Thirdly – we learned that because God created us in his image and likeness, we all have inherent dignity and value regardless of our racial, ethnic, ideological or economic differences which is the basis for our Catholic Social Teaching of SOLIDARITY.

Other Resources:

Pinterest – October Family Faith Ideas
Vibrant Faith @ Home –
Sabrina’s Blog – Do you children ever ask you faith related questions that you are just not sure how to answer? Or do really cool things related to their faith that you want to share with the community? If so, follow the blog

At the Orientation gatherings, the catechists shared through the mini-workshops we offered. At the Scripture workshop, Stephanie and Debbie shared the “Scripture Jar” activity. The verses are attached, print them, cut them out and create your own family Scripture Jar!

Here is some info I found about the FTC - I also have a link to share with families on places to purchase FTC Halloween Treats to pass out...

Also for Father Craig - I found some info about See's that looks like they too also use Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance Chocolate. :)

Attached are the Taking Faith Home handouts for each week until we meet again on Nov 3rd or Nov 5th for the November GIFT sessions: Responding in Prayer: “We Are Called to Pray”

1.       Offer a prayer at meal time
2.       Call upon the saints
3.       Reach out to help a neighbor in need
4.       Savor a few minutes of silence
5.       Ask for God’s blessing each morning
6.       Receive the Holy Eucharist for strength and nourishment
7.       Give thanks to God each night

How’s your Family Faith Plan coming along? I’d love to hear what you all decided, how you’re planning to implement your ideas and if you need any support from the parish community or staff!